Wednesday, December 25, 2024

{Christmas Day: Part Two}

Around 4, Grandaddy, Mimi, Aunt JC, JJ and Jayne came over.  We did some snacking and some playing and some present opening. 

Sweet girls! 

Grandaddy and Mimi with the grands

Afterwards, we got back to our games and wrapped that up with some new ones that surprised the kids...

The Oreo Challenge had each kid rolling a cookie into a cup without their knowing what was in the cup and then having to eat it.  Last man standing got their pick of gift cards. 

AJ struggled with the rolling part but she got the hang of it. 

AG was not a fan of it but refused to give up. 

Bubba kept landing in the mustard.  And it was eventually just too much. 

And Bear got about all of them but his favorite was the chocolate milk. 

Last game we played was head, shoulders, knees, gift!  I kept them squatting for a while and whoever got the gift first when I called it won! We went several rounds on this one.  

Then, Bubba headed back to his apartment since he had to work the next morning.  These goodbyes are never easy for any of us.  We cherish the moments we have and can't wait to be together again.  It was such a sweet, sweet Christmas. God is so very kind. 

{Christmas Day: Part One}

It's a Christmas miracle!  Everyone slept somewhat in and we didn't even get up and going until nearly 9:30.  It was lovely! 

Cinnamon rolls are warming in the oven and it's time for our Christmas reading from Luke 2 and our final Advent reading in Jotham's Journey. 

Dad read for us first out of the scriptures and then I read the last Advent passage. 

We did Mom and Dad gifts first and then sibling gifts. 

AJ has been asking for roller skates and boy was she excited! 

She is going to love this! 

Panda got a Yoto player to listen to books and finally have an alarm clock, too! 

Bear got some fancy Ariat boots!  And a phone number...but he has to be driving to get the phone. 

Bubba got a new iPhone 16 Pro! 

AG loved her Moana sticker book from Luke. 

And AJ is obsessed with her press on finger nails from Bubba! 

Bear got Bubba the funniest best brother mug with Trump on it.  Bub read it in a Trump voice and cracked us all up! 

New warm jackets for the girls, too. 

Here she goes...

Then, we had the most lovely relaxing rest of the morning and middle of the day.  The boys quickly claimed my new heated blanket from Scott. 

While the girls got to crafting with their designer doll sheets. 

Scott smoked a prime rib and it may have been the best thing he's ever put on that grill! 

Luke took advantage of everyone else resting and sat down to the charcuterie all by himself!  He ate nearly all of that red pepper jelly and cream cheese, too. 

Naptime for these two...

He's awake and I finally get to test out the heated blanket. 

Time to get ready for the evening! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

{Christmas Eve: Part Two}

After church, we came home and continued the tradition of Butcher Family Christmas Games!  The kids got their Christmas jammies and opened and hung their ornament for the year also.  Typically, I would give those around Thanksgiving or whenever we got the tree up.  But, with Bubba living in an apartment this semester and not on campus, he doesn't come home for his longer break this year.  So, we started something new...Christmas Eve stockings with jammies and ornaments! 

Time for the games!  We played putting for cash where each cup had a different dollar amount first. 

Then, the kids teamed up and played the tissue box challenge.  The first team to empty the box wins.  Bubba and Panda won by one tissue! 

Then, it was nearly 11pm and we were exhausted.  We agreed to finish the other two games tomorrow night and cuddled up and watched a Christmas movie super late.  The bigger ones fell asleep but the girls stayed up and loved it! 

I get a kick out of how this little gymnast sits.  Her little feet are the cutest! Now, let's hope everyone sleeps in...