Friday, September 27, 2024

{September: Part Five}

While Scott and I were away, I snuck Bear some money and asked Mr. Ernie to help him rebuild our ramp to the shed.  It was falling apart.  So this was a fun surprise! 

Sweets for our sweets...

Sundays selfie snaps...

Dirt Road Glory...

Press On Nail fun...

Sibling hugs...

And carpool pickup...

power outage after the hurricane...

and grilling for breakfast, lunch and dinner...

game night by candle light and flash light...and another day without power...

new babies born on dreary days...

and sitting in the sunshine...

damages done but nothing that was serious...

and soul reflection over the gift of having each other...and that being all that really matters.  

Hurricane Helene hit harder than anyone in our area thought it ever would.  We were fortunate to only have lost some trees and power for 5 days.  Many lost so much more.  Our hearts hold the weight of both gratitude and grief.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

{No Greater Joy}

Just before dinner on Tuesday evening, AJ asked me if we could talk about Jesus.  She shared that she trusted God with her life and she wanted Him to be in charge forever.  So, once Scott got home...we sat down in our bedroom and asked her some questions...then Scott led her in the sweetest prayer I've ever heard...where she admitted that she is a sinner in need of a Saviour...and asked Jesus to take over and be her Lord.  The three of us held hands as she prayed...and afterwards she was so excited to share that she had now been adopted twice!  

First, she wanted to call Bubba and tell him.  So she recorded a message to him.  

God is so kind.  

Since we were about to eat and it just felt like we should celebrate...we pulled out some brownie batter and whipped up what we called "Believer's Brownies"...soon to be followed by "Baptism Brownies" at some point! 

She helped me make them and then we all partied together! 

Oh praise the One Who paid her debt and raised this most precious life up from the dead! 


Adoption is The Gospel.  What a JOY to experience it twice with both our girls! 

Saturday, September 21, 2024


You know it's a good day when you wake up to a note by the coffee pot telling you to pack a bag for a weekend away together...

Scott had asked Bubba to come stay with Bear and the girls and we jetted off to our favorite, Rhett House Inn in Beaufort.  

Walking to dinner is always so sweet...hand in hand down the old cobblestone streets to Saltus.  

We sat outside since it was so lovely! Right on the waterfront! 

This is the 3rd room that we've stayed in and we loved the French doors opening to the private screened in porch.  We sat out there for hours talking! 

After a long stroll along the historic district on the water with our coffee in hand, we came back for breakfast at the Inn and then took to the upper veranda for another rest.  

Oh how we adore this time together.  We never did enough of this when the boys were younger but are finding more and more that we need this...we have to make it a priority...and we are so much stronger and healthier when we do...both for ourselves but especially for our family.  

Friday, September 20, 2024

{September: Part Four}

Crafting is always their favorite and they make the most fun creations. 

AG found this tiny sticker art piece for $1 at the thrift shop and worked relentlessly on it for nearly 5 hours to have it completed for her daddy when we got home.  

And Debbie found an old counting machine/calculator for $2...with an endless supply of rolls of paper, too!  Endless hours of fun! 

Getting Dad to snap Bubba back! 

And playing at home...clearing up and always finding something fun to do.  It was a good week! 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

{September: Part Three}

Another week of finding treasures...this time I stumbled upon a vintage amber glass bowl set for $6! I thought about selling it but we've used it a good bit already so I think we may hang on to it. 

AJ starting to take up golf now too I suppose! 

Girls and their daddies! SO fun! 

Bella Boo got a new wreath for the fall...

Bear is almost as tall as his daddy! 

Fridays are for special treats! 

And Saturdays are for sweet friends!  

I'm getting a Christmas idea watching this one...

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

{September: Part Two}

Panda is doing so well with her piano lessons.  She asked her teacher about learning one of her favorite songs from Moana and she finally did it.  She is such a diligent student. 

The girls began their favorite co-op at our church again this year.  Grounded was such a blessing last year and we are praying the same for this year.  We go each week and they have so much fun doing all the projects, art, PE, Spanish, literature studies and so much more!  It is truly the sweetest little community.  

Another afternoon with an open hour and we swing by the thrift shop!  AJ always has to check out the shoes! ha!

Annual checkups for our almost 14 and 3 year olds!  Both had great reports, too. 

Bubba's back at it on the golf course!  What a gift to have yet another sport to enjoy and help pay the college tuition!

Mom and the girls had a blow out on the way to pick Luke up one day.  That was not fun! 

Bear got a ride over to where we were and helped change the tire and put the spare on.  Everyone was rewarded for their hard work and patience!