...you come home from running a million errands and find your sweet husband has gotten this for your baby boy to wear for his 1st Christmas! Now, if I can just figure out how to match big brother (because we all know he's way past smocking)?!?! Seriously though, just how much more southern can you get? Oh, this is going to be FUN!!!

What a wonderful hubby you have to pick out a smocked outfit for his baby boy! And yes, I think smocked is a southern thing, they don't make anything smocked in Phoenix and I searched when Kamryn was little!
It's going to be 100degrees this week, it's amazing we put clothes on at all! :) HA HA
That is ADORABLE! :O
You could just got your older son something in the same light green colour. That would match, kind of. :)
How stinkin cute is that?!!!! Oh, Scott, that was a fabulous gift! I had an incredible day as well. Up for a check on Miss Lindsay to see why??
Love you!
How sweet! Not many men, southern or not, would pick out an outfit let alone a smocked one. I love it! Scott has great taste.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Good work Scott!! What a precious gift for your beautiful wife and baby!!
Way to go Scott! Love it! Sorry I missed your call tonight, I will try you tomorrow! love to you all!!
I LOVE that!! Way to go Scott! :)
OK, I need to know where he got it and what the brand is - Addie Kate must have it!!! It is ADORABLE!!!! Put Wyatt in green gingham pants with a shirt with his monogram on it, and they'll be PRECIOUS!!! Your husband did great!
Oi. Parabéns pelo seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer um pouco sobre o Brasil. Abração
TOO CUTE! You must realize how super lucky you are to have a husband who endorses dressing baby boy's in smocked outfits... and a bubble suit to boot! When Noah was a baby, I loved to dress him smocked bubble suits and "john johns" and my husband always said I was trying to dress him like a girl :) This is just precious and I can "hear" the excitement in your "voice" at the thought of dressing your new baby!
I'm sure you know of Kelly's Kids clothing? They always have a classic smocked line for Spring, Fall and Winter. When Noah was a baby, we lived in Texas where smocked clothing was plentiful. Since moving to Kansas, I have had to become a bit more resourceful and have found Kelly's Kids. I like Kelly's Kids because they have the matching outfits... for kids of varying ages. I bet they would have something really precious for Wyatt that would match his baby brother! I'm sure you will find the perfect thing!
Thanks also, for your comment on our blog today. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the package and you're right... a monogrammed onesie is most definitely in order :) By the way, did you happen to notice whether or not Wyatt and Noah wore the same shorts on Easter?
Love the excitement that is brewing over baby Luke! And now that we know his name... let the mongoramming and personalization begin :)
Baby Boy's are such BLESSINGS!
I love it and I'm very impressed with Scott!!! :)
Oh, Rebecca...that is exactly the kind of bubble suit I told you about in my post about my grandson wearing a bubble suit for his first birthday!!! It looks exactly the same except the smocking was baby ducklings!! God Bless Scott!!!
Love from Michigan, Elaine
Very impressive Scott! :)
Little Luke will look just beautiful in that! So sad that our little big boys can not wear smocking anymore!
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