We loaded up the van last night & headed out early this morning to do something so very dear to our hearts before #3 arrives in just 17 days! Any guesses????
Here's a little hint for y'all...
Charleston here we come!
I think little brother will be very well entertained!
We made it! Lots of Annabelle Baskets & goodies in tow for the precious heart babies!
We all get the greatest joy in sharing this tremendous ministry!
We made a quick visit to see Andrea (one of Annabelle's nurse's at her home) on the way and I got my hands all over her little babydoll (who is almost 5 months old already)! Since we were just feet (or a few miles) away from the outlets, my wonderful hubby & son who both despise shopping allowed me a bit of time to stock up on some much needed fall clothes for my eldest. Who, by the way, is now wearing a size 7 pants! I about flipped! And, y'all, they are not that big on him either! The shirt size is even more depressing...8's. I am still having a little bit of a hard time with this new reality...can you tell?
Moving on...
Once we got home, we had 2 special packages waiting for us. One I was anxiously awaiting and one very special surprise!!!
I've been searching out cute brother shirts for the boys & decided on these. I didn't want it to look too juvenile for my size 8 t-shirt wearing 5 year old or too big boy for my newborn.
Whatcha think?
Wyatt can wear his with brown shorts & Luke has some super precious babylegs that are white and baby blue stripes that will be darling with his onesie (Thank you, Danielle!).
There was also a very unexpected package at the door...from Annabelle's cardiologist, Eric Graham. The note attached will definitely be a keepsake, too. The blanket is huge and so soft and I know we'll treasure it for many, many years!
That about wraps up our day trip! Now, what's for dinner???
Rebecca, how sweet is that blanket! I know Luke will cherish that! It was great to tlk to you the other day! I can't wait to meet Luke! Call If you need anything! Much love!!
Oh what a wonderful, special gift from Dr. Graham! How sweet and thoughtful of him!! I LOVE the big brother, little brother shirts. They are just perfect! I'm glad you had a successful shopping trip, too! We did yesterday as well...they had some awesome deals! You just had an all around great day!! :)
How thoughtful of Dr.Graham. And I know its so special to him to have Luke named after him! Next time you are in town for more than a day, call us! We'd love to get together w/ you all again!
JOhanna Chapman
I just love Dr. Graham, he has such a HUGE heart!! What an honor it is to have Luke named after him - WOW!! I also adore the idea of "Big Brother/Little brother" shirts - too cute!! We are expecting baby boy #2 due 8/22.. :)) God Bless ~ Shanlee
Wow, what a wonderful day you had!
Lots of surprises for your family and then surprises for all the heart babies/families.
Ann and I have a little something for Luke and we wanted to mail it but, we don't know what your addy is. How about emailing it to us?
My email is jpt1946@comcast.net.
Thanks! God bless all of you as you wait for the arrival of another sweet gift from GOD!
Jan Tompkins :)
17 more days!!! YAY!! I am so happy for you. I love the blanket from Dr. Graham - how sweet! Can't wait for pictures and hope to see you soon!!
You're so awesome with the Annabelle baskets. What a lucky hospital to have you serving those sweet heart babes. I know we were so blessed with ours, shipped all the way across the country!
And what a precious gift from Dr. Graham! I'm sure it will be treasured forever. So glad everything is coming together for the arrival of your little guy! Can't wait!!!
Much love and hugs to you :)
Love, love, love the Big/Little Brother shirts! They are precious and you are right, Luke's Baby Legs will be perfect with his onesie! How fun! Where did you get them? I've been looking at Luna B Tee's for my kids, but I like the soft colors in these!
And as always, your Annabelle Basket Ministry is amazing!
I hear excitement in your posts these days and I'm looking forward to all the excitement that will be happening so very, VERY soon with Luke's arrival!
Love to you... Danielle
What a precious blanket, I absolutely LOVE it! Hope you're feeling well, can't wait to "meet" sweet little Luke!
Rebecca, you are just glowing! You look fantastic! And the outfits! OMG! You have a little something coming from Michigan too. ;-) How special of Eric to send that to you all for Luke. That brought the tears......
I hope that Annabelle Baskets brought some smiles to peoples faces today. Love you!
You are so amazing!!! You have blessed so many lives with your sweet Annabelles legacy.
I can't believe it is only 17 more days! That flew by for me ;-) It's always fast unless you are the pregnant lady.I am so excited to see little luke's face.
Sorry I missed you on 7C this weekend! You are such a blessing to the little babies here. Your smile and strength brings such a powerful ministry to MUSC. I am so excited about Luke coming into your life. What a remarkable big brother he will have in Wyatt! :) I wish I could have seen your beautiful belly in person! I guess I'll just have to meet Luke in person one day instead!
Goose-bumpy. That gift from Eric is just precious. I can only imagine your friendship and testimony has meant as much to him as I KNOW he has to you guys! What an honor to be naming sweet Luke after him!
Glad you made one last treck to our beloved Charleston. Bet all the nurses loved seeing you preggo!
Wyatt's haircut looks great!
Dear Rebecca,
Wow...what a day you had...as usual, I am in tears, but definately tears of joy. You look WONDERFUL in the picture...Suzie is right: GLOWING!!!! :) I am so happy for you right now...this is such a special time in all of your lives and words fail me, really...I am just SO happy...
The outfits are adorable...remember to take a picture for all of us!
And the blanket from your doctor: what an absolutely breathtaking gift. The quote is so true and has so much meaning for you. You have had so much faith, in good days and sad and during the most unimaginable pain...and that quote just reminds us all that we have to put our lives in His hands and we will survive and even rejoice!!
God Bless you and your family...
Love, Elaine
PS: My little grandson will be two on August 19...maybe Luke could share his birthday??? :)
I love the big brother/little brother shirts. :) So cute and grown up at the same time. The blanket is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I know you will treasure it!
You look way to cute for being 9 months pregnant!! Way to go! That little rain forest mirror is the same one we had for Gracie. She loved it and we played it for her all the time in the car. I'm sure Luke will love it too. I am so excited for your new little bundle of joy. All the best to you during the next few weeks!
That gift from Dr. Graham is precious!! I know you will treasure it forever. The shirts are so cute, I can't wait to see the pic of them together.
Sending Love your way!!
Rhonda Lyle
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