Luke was so happy he spit his binky out! :)
"He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy!" Job 8:21
I've got so much to share but hardly can find the time to sit and just write. I will soon...I promise. For now, know that the Lord is filling our home and our hearts with joy that only comes from Him!
Too Precious!! I know he is already spoiled rotten!!! Love the pics!!
So precious that again, big shocker I know, I am crying! Oh, Annabelle, we miss you so much. Thank you for giving your mommy, daddy, and Wyatt a reason to smile again. ;-)I just know that you had a chat with Him and made plans to make Luke just right. Luke is just prefect!
Love you to pieces friend,
Oh Luke is just so precious and those pictures with Wyatt are adorable!!! Happy 1 week Luke!!
Thank the Lord for pictures that help us in the healing process. Thanks for sharing the picts of Wyatt and Luke and Wyatt and Annabelle. They touched my heart. Angie
I can't imagine all the feelings you are experiencing right now. I just know that Annabelle is looking down at you and sent Luke to your entire family....he's absolutely precious!!!!
I love the pics of he and Wyatt...that's priceless!
OK I'm my daughter's mother...I am swelling with tears of joy as I look at these pictures. Seeing Wyatt with Luke is so precious. He is absolutely perfect!
What a blessing.
Linda Smith (Suzie's mom)
he is so precious...i just want to love him up!!! I love his head of hair & i love how much wyatt loves to snuggle with him! anytime you want to get away to charleston...i will keep your boys if you want me to! :) hope to get to see you & luke soon! thanks for the pics!
you have blessed me this past year. You have such a wonderful spirit about you. The picture of Wyatt and Luke is just to cute. Enjoy them.
Goodness....amazing how much Wyatt has grown this past year! He looks like such a little man now!
"His joy comes in the morning"
Praying this is a dawn of a very new season for the precious Butcher family! Loving you and Annabelle always! That sweet new boy is PRECIOUS!! So glad I got to hold him - made my week!
Praise God for your love and laughter. What great times for your family!! :)
He's precious. Just a thought - you're shooting at ISO-800 with the flash on. The high ISO setting is why your pictures have so much "grain" and loss of fine detail. It might be because you're shooting manual mode. If so, try the auto setting instead. If you're already on auto, turn the ISO down to 100 or 200. You'll be amazed at the quality increase.
I found your page through Lindsaysheart. Like everyone above, my eyes are filled with tears as well. They are both happy and sad! You have beautiful children!
Love, Ashley
My baby brother has a carepage if you ever get a chance we would love for you to look at it. My mom really has not done much with his blogger. His screen name is MatthewJoshua.I will keep your family in my prayers.
Luke is changing so much already! He's so precious, and so is Wyatt. Wyatt looks like a wonderful, protective big brother! The pictures of Wyatt with Luke and Annabelle are just priceless. Keep posting those sweet pictures! I look forward to talking to you.
What wonderful pictures... it looks as though Wyatt has resumed his doting big brother role perfectly! Luke is absolutely precious... just like Annabelle and Wyatt! I hope you are recovering well from surgery and getting used to being completely outnumbered by the boys in the household :)
Lots of Love...
Hi again, sweet friend,
I've been sick with the flu this week and just now had an opportunity to go through my stack of mail. THANK YOU so much for the sweet Birthday card! Admist all that was going on in your life, I can't believe you remembered my birthday! It meant a lot to me and instantly brought a much-needed smile to my face :) Thank you for remembering...
Oh my goodness!!!! you had your Babe! CONGRATS! Oh my heart is so so so happy! He is just scrumptious.
Oh to have a baby in your arms- seeing that picture of miss Annabelle makes my heart so grateful for her sweet baby brother. I am sure she was in Heaven giving him pep talks on how to help heal your heart!
What a sweet baby- can't wait to watch him grow!
How precious Rebecca!!! Y'all are so blessed on this earth and in heaven!!! We send y'all much love!
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