Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our gift is here!!!

Luke Graham Butcher was born this morning at 7:55 am. He weighs 8 lbs & 2oz. He is 21 inches long.

We are overflowing in joy! He is already living up to his name as "the bringer of light"!

"Every good and perfect gift is from Above, coming down from the Father of Light." James 1:17


Jess said...

Congratulations! He's gorgeous! Thinking about you and your family today!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you!! He is BEAUTIFUL!!

Anonymous said...

YAY! Praise God for Luke's arrival! So cute!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! He is beautiful!!!!

Love, Elizabeth Green

Melissa said...

Congratulations!! My heart is overflowing with joy for your family. Big Boy!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!I'm speechless..he's perfect and we are thrilled for you guys!! Love, Jeff, Gretchen, will, Sam and Miles

Shannon Carter said...

Oh, ADORABLE!! Congratulations!!! That big brother looks pretty proud too! :)

Anonymous said...


Welcome Baby Luke! You are so beautiful and are so lucky to have a wonderful mommy and daddy who love you so much. AND, a big bro who will show you the ropes.

God Bless You All!

Love, Jan

Danielle @ Living Out Loud said...

Praises, Praises!

Luke is BEAUTIFUL! And he looks perfect nestled in your arms among your loving family!

I've been thinking and praying for you all day... anxiously awaiting this joyous announcement! And I'm rejoicing a little over his birth weight too... those clothes will fit for at least a few weeks :)

With love & JOY...

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you! He is beautiful! May God continue to bless your family.

Talia said...

Congratulations on your beatuiful baby boy!

Amanda-The Family News! said...

Congrats!!! Luke is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! Oh I am so happy for you sweet friend!!!!

Beth Adkins said...

Luke is absolutely precious! Congratulations! May God's undying love fall over your beautiful family of five. Thinking of you during this special time.
Love, Beth Adkins

Olivia (CA) said...

Rejoicing with you all today on your beautiful gift! We have been anxiously awaiting the news and now are crying tears of joy for you. He is perfect!

The Simmons Family said...

He's PERFECT!!! Congratulations!! My heart is full for you today.

The Johnson Family said...

Oh how cute is he!!!! And I was right on the dot for weight woo hoo.

Lindsay Dean said...

The tears are flowing right now!! He is definately a gift from above and the light is RADIATING!!!! He is so perfect! Enjoy these precious moments.
Love you sooooo much!

PS Sorry I was a whole pound heavier with my guess!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you all. He is precious. Looking forward to meeting him soon. I am still lovin on the bed babies at church :)


Julie Miles said...

Congratulations Scott, Rebecca and Wyatt! What an amazing new gift God has given your family. I'm so excited for you guys!

Elaine said...

Dear Rebecca and Scott, Wyatt and Luke...with Annabelle watching proudly from above....

Sobbing here in Michigan...but happy tears of joy. I am so very happy for all of you and I am so glad all of our prayers have been answered for you...GOD IS GOOD!! First I prayed you would get pregnant again...then that it would be a healthy baby with a PERFECT HEART...then that you would find joy and strength in your pregnancy...then that you would have all of the perfect moments that come with Luke's birth today. Please relax and enjoy every wonderful moment now and in the days ahead...life is wonderful! Praise the Lord!!

There are so many of us who love you from afar and pray for you every day...and I know that you know that. We send our love and prayers and hope that you can feel our arms around you.

Love, Elaine

Rachel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Our Family said...

I have been checking all day and I am so glad to see pictures of your beautiful Luke. You know I have a sweet spot for boys named Luke! I know our angels are up in heaven watching their mommies enjoy the gifts that they asked God to send us. I pray that Luke continues to bring your family light and that he brings as much joy and hope as our James has brought to us. Thank you for including the verse from James--so true for all of us to remember! Take care of yourself and I will call you soon (after you have time to take a breath!). God bless you all!

The Pike Family said...

I have never left a comment but I read your blog often :) My heart is SOOOO happy for you and your family! Baby Luke is ABSOLUTELY precious!!! Congratulations! Woohoo! With love from AZ,

Rachel said...

Congratulations! He is so cute-welcome to the world baby Luke! Praising the Lord for His goodness and continuing to keep you all in prayers.

GarretJulie said...

Congrats.. he is sooo cute!! We prayed for you and will pray for you as you start all these firsts!!!
With much love,
Julie Houston

Elissa said...

PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS!! Luke is perfect!

Kacy said...

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL GIFT! Thanks for sharing photos!

Sarah Leech said...

yay!!! i love the little hat with his name on it & the family photo!!! everyone looks GREAT!! lots of blue! :) love you guys!

Rebecca said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!! He is absolutely handsome!! Congrats on this sweet blessing!!

aimee gillespie said...

Congratulations to all of you! He is absolutely beautiful!

More Love from Kalamazoo,
Aimee Gillespie

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! He is beautiful! (looks like a little Wyatt) We are so happy for you all! Can't wait to meet him! Love, JJ, Kristin, Tuck, Mac, and Susannah

The Hands said...

What a beautiful child...and you all look so happy! Congratulations. Praise the Lord for His graciousness. I'm getting more excited for the arrival of our new little one.

Johanna said...

Such a sweet and precious boy!!! He is perfect and looks like Wyatt!

Rejoicing along with your family,

Johanna Chapman

Robin Cathcart said...

Congratulations! Luke is beautiful!! I can't wait to see him in person. Take care! We are praying for you all.

Amber said...

I came across your blog awhile back and I can't begin to express how happy I am for you. Congratulations!!!

The Hardy Family said...

Luke is absolutely perfect and beautiful! I'm crying as I'm writing this because I'm just overflowing with so much joy for you all! What a perfect and amazing gift from God. I'm so happy for you, Rebecca, that he was less than 9 lbs! :) Welcome to the world, Luke! I've been thinking about you ALL day! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Been thinking about you all day! I am so excited for you, Scott, and Wyatt. Baby Luke is BEAUTIFUL! CONGRATS!!!

~Sandra Tracy

The Chavis Family said...

WOW Luke is so cute!! I love the pictures. His hat with his name on it is precious! Mom is have a great time taking care of y'all. You are in the same room we were in when we had Brady. It's a nice one. :) Our prayers of thanksgiving will continue.

Mimi said...

Rebecca, Scott, and Wyatt~
Luke is such a precious baby~ we are so thrilled for you~ and we look forward to meeting him soon!
Much love,
The Hogues

Jessica said...

He is beautiful! I'm so happy for you all and am thanking God for your sweet boy. :)

Anonymous said...

Simply phenomenal, congratulations.

Peace be with you.

Ashlee said...

I am overflowing with joy and excitement for you all!!! Luke is so beautiful. What an amazing blessing. Talk about some answered prayers!! Enjoy this awesome time! Love you all!


Betsey said...

Y'all he's precious!!!! I've been thinking about you all day! Can't wait to see more pictures and meet him! Wyatt looks so excited!!
I send you many Heart Hugs and even more Loving Heart Prayers!!


Stephanie said...

He's perfect!!!!! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely perfect!

Love to you all...Laura

Danielle @ Living Out Loud said...

I just had to come back one more time since I just got home from a party. I wanted to admire that sweet face again. I don't think I noticed all of his hair the first time... do you think Scott & Wyatt would object to just one bow :) He is so incredibly beautiful!

Praying JOY upon JOY as you get to know this new little miracle! And you know... the JOY that you all are experiencing with Luke's birth doesn't even hold a candle to the JOY that a sweet little girl with deep blue eyes enjoys EVERY DAY as she dances in her smocked white dress at the foot of Jesus!

Love you so...

Karen Mackey said...

Congratulations on your new arrival. I work with and am friends with Ashlee and her family in Ky. Ashlee shared your story with me and I have wanted you to know that many prayers across the country have been lifted up in your family's name. Karen M.

Joy Badiuk said...

Congrats Butcher family...Luke is so handsome! You all look wonderful. Enjoy this special time :)
Love always,

Laura said...

Congratulations! Luke is adorable! We are so happy for you.

Lee, Laura, Caleb, and Graysen Slusher

Anonymous said...

He is perfect! I am happy for you all. I bet Wyatt is beaming over his new baby brother!

Anonymous said...

Love is what I feel today. Luke is so blessed to have been born into this loving family. Always remember that God chose you two to be his parents and Wyatt to be his brother. I truly believe that Annabelle had a hand in Luke's arrival. Embrace this!
Linda Smith (Suzie's mom in Kazoo)

Mindy S. said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!He is SO beautiful!! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful blessing!!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful baby boy, for a beautiful family. Congrats to you, Scott, Wyatt, and Annabelle on this new baby brother! Annabelle is surely smiling down upon all of you. She is so happy for you, I just know it.
A blog reader,

Evie's Story said...

PRaise God from whom all Blessings flow! Cant wait to kiss those precious cheeks. You are such a beautiful family. Love you friends!

Tommy, Erica, Addie Kate, and Andrew said...

Oh my goodness Rebecca, y'all make the prettiest babies! Luke is just precious! I know he will bring your family much joy and happiness! Take care and God Bless!

Brandi said...

Congratulations!!!! He is just precious!!! I am so happy for you all!!!

Katie said...

Congrats!!! He's such a pretty little guy :) I'm so happy for you and this sweet blessing. Enjoy that precious newborn smell, lots of cuddling and love, those darling little grunts and the miracle that he is! Welcome baby Luke!

Anonymous said...

I cried with joy to read this! He already reminds me of your precious little girl in heaven!

Anonymous said...

We are soooo excited for you all!! Welcome, Baby Luke!! He is just precious!

Love, Mike and Laurie Epting & kids

Anonymous said...

He is so beautiful! God has done an amazing work :) May your family continue to be blessed by His overflowing love, and through the life of this new little one :)

Linda said...

Congratulations! He is beautiful.

g-ma-vicki said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful baby boy. Sister Annabelle sent you kisses and more kisses as he made his appearance this morning. God is so close-just a touch on his precious little nose cn bring such joy and light and a closeness as a family that is a joy to behold from the outside looking in.
Big brother is all geared up and ready to....well....do all those wonderful exciting things big brothers do! Love from Owen' Gramma (Annabelle's birthday hlhs brother awaiting transplant)

RHONDA said...


Anonymous said...

OH!! He is just beautiful!! Congratulations to you all! So glad that he was under 10lbs!
Blessings on this most precious gift of Luke!
We all love you!
Karen,Nathan,Sarah,JC and Emma :)

♥ Michele ♥ said...

He is SOOOO beautiful Rebecca!! I am so happy for you but know that you must be thinking of your sweet princess too. I'm sure she is very aware of you right now and will be there to watch over you always. Give that sweet baby a kiss for me!

The Mason Family said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so happy to hear that sweet Luke has finally arrived, happy and healthy! I look forward to seeing many more pictures...congrats again to the Butcher Family! Best wishes...

Miller Family said...

Oh, I have finally found some time to check out blogs. I have been so busy, but have been thinking of you. He is precious. Your sweet look and big brother Wyatt are too precious. love all the pictures. I was exactly one lb to heavy on my guess. Hope all is well. So happy for you guys. Love, the millers