Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The photo without a name…


Can you think of one???


Evie's Story said...

A lovable LOAD having TONS of fun!

What a cutie pie!

Shannon said...

I can't think of a name because I can't get over how cute he is!! :)

The Simmons Family said...

He is SO adorable!!!!!

Lindsay Dean said...

Looks like he's trying to make the sound of the truck!! SUPER cute! Aren't new cameras fun?!!! Love you!

The Hands said...

Humpf! Stuck again!

Anonymous said...

Cute photo and I love his hair color!!


Unknown said...

How about, just plain PRECIOUS?!?! Love this pic. For so many reasons.

Unknown said...

To me it looks like he's thinking "where's the key to start this thing"? I have to say that Wyatt, Angel Annabell and Luke are such beautiful children!! Thank you for sharing your family with all of us!!