Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

I have a lot stirring in my thoughts but that can all wait for another day.  TODAY is the best glimpse I get of Heaven…until, of course, I see Christ Himself and hold that sweet girl of mine once again.


Morning loves are the best!


Typical brothers…Bubba has M&Ms and doesn’t want to share with Little Bear.  Oh, and Bear needs a nap BADLY!


My sweet, wild, silly boys!

Jesus said to her, “I am the RESURRECTION and the LIFE! He who believes in me shall never die!”  John 11:25

1 comment:

Danielle @ Living Out Loud said...

Little Luke's tears remind me a bit of a few little girls I happen to be with today who also needed naps and LESS sugar! The boys look precious.. love their clothes! The last picture is so good! Hope you had a peaceful and hopeful day! Much love to you and your gorgeous family!