Wednesday, July 17, 2013

3 years and {one day shy of} 11 months old

This sweet little age has had quite a significance to our family for over five years now.  It was the exact age that Wyatt was when his baby sister left for Heaven.  It’s been in the back of my mind for months as we’ve neared this tender age once again.  Today it came. 

It’s hard not to think about it.  It’s hard not to want to make it special in some way.  I was determined last night to wake up this morning and treat it as the gift that it is…and that every day truly is, too. 

So we celebrated another day.  And, although, I didn’t plan any sweet gifts to commemorate the day…God did.

This came…


Our completed home study!  It has been finished…copied many times over from Charlotte to Charleston to Birmingham to us…sent to our state’s department for their portion of approval…and on to the federal government for a little {big} approval we have to get from them, too! 

Only God would know it would come today…on the very day that makes the 3rd child I never thought we’d ever have the exact same age that his big brother was when he held his sister’s hand as she took her last breath.   Perfect timing, perhaps?  God’s timing, for sure!

And to think that this packet of paperwork that literally covers every inch of our lives will lead us to #4…and God chose it to come today…

I’m so thankful.  So humbled.  So unaware.  So blessed.


Faith M. said...

an absolutely precious gift that was ordained by the Lord. Hugs!

Shannon said...

:) Hugs!

likeschocolate said...

So excited for the new journey your family will be taking.

Cammie said...

Amazing! God is SO awesome! It gives me chills!