Friday, February 28, 2014

{Finding Spot}


 be found.


Unknown said...

What an incredible journey this has been for Andie-Grace... and for you all!

Anonymous said...

LOVE her smiles to you in front of the place she was left. Oh you gave me happy tears. A priceless picture!
Will continue to pray!
Kim Simon :)

Amy said...

I was just praying for a dear friend asking that her baby/child be found soon. The plan has been known all along and that just amazes me. Congratulations on your precious baby girl.

Renee said...

Your girl is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey with us. Our God is an awesome God! We cannot wait to meet your sweet Andie Grace.

Auntie Mip said...

Dear Ones,

In November I posted this in response to your letter to Andie Grace. You were waiting and so concerned for her...

"I am a stranger to you. Brought here after your beautiful Annabelle died. I have prayed for your family.

I look forward to the pictures of your little darling a year from now. When she has been home and loved and nurtured. when she knows and lives joy. When there is life in her beautiful eyes and not sorrow.

That smile will reveal the full measure of her understanding of the love of her parents, brothers, sister and a gracious Father."

It did not take a year. The change is remarkable. The life in her eyes and joy in her smile took mere days. She knows the full measure of that sacred love I referenced. It is so beautiful to see what love can do.

I am reminded of a song...

Love lifted me.
Love lifted me.
When nothing else would do,
LOVE lifted me.

How remarkable that love would find Andie Grace during CHD awareness month, February, the month devoted to love.

Coincidence? I think not.