Thursday, September 21, 2017

{Role Reversal}

Recently, S decided to take back up his favorite pastime of church softball.  He played when we dated and first were married... and I spent many a late nights at the ball park with him before we ever had our baseball loving boys.  He's had a few games so far and is finding that it's a bit harder to compete about 12 years older in life.  So, as I was making dinner last night, I glanced out the kitchen windows to see quite a sweet situation...and the ultimate role reversal.  For the past 13 years, I've witnessed many nights of dad pitching to son...but last night it was the opposite.  Bubba tried his best to underhand the softball {not his typical pitch} and Bear played the outfield catching his dad's hits.  Scott works long hours and has never once come home to just want to be alone or chill in front of some device or electronic.  He selflessly pours himself into myself and our children...when I know he's exhausted and been working since 5am.  Our children are so blessed by his leadership and love...and easy, fun weekday nights spent in the fields playing ball...regardless of who pitches and who is hitting!

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