Tuesday, October 03, 2017

{Whatever it takes...}

For my busiest little B, we try all sorts of things to keep his attention...even if it means balancing on a ball on a chair during phonics lesson.

This homeschooling journey is hard and somedays {well, many actually} I think of how much easier my life would be to tote them off to school each morning.  I give all I have and am just spent by the afternoon...teaching a few high school courses, some middle school, a solid elementary school course load and a little preschool will do that to ya.  The littles just want to play and it's hard for Bear to keep focus when his little sister is building something super cool out of legos in the same room.  I'm so proud of how hard they work...biggest brother leading the way and baby brother learning more each day how this thing we call homeschool works.  It's not the path I ever thought we would take but, gracious, am I am thankful that we do!  So, we just keep doing whatever it takes as long as they are learning and growing and filling their minds and hearts with everything pure and lovely...even if that means balancing on a bouncy ball in the middle of phonics! ;)

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