We ordered blue light glasses and tried them out a bit. I'm not so sure they help but my oldest seems to think they are a fashion statement. I got a kick out of finding this photo on my camera roll!
Bear finished his first phonics book for the year! A very wise friend shared that she incentivizes her kids with a $5 gift at the end of some of their schooling so I tried the same and this boy was some kind of excited when he found that in the back of his book. Onward and upward!

Church started back for everyone and our church knows how to celebrate! Pelican's Snowballs for all the kids! Nothing like getting a sugar high before you drop your kids off for someone else to teach them for an hour!

We took our sweet cousin, Jayne, her birthday gift (or the second half of it) and the girls got to enjoy riding around in some of her toys! They loved the princess carriage!

And then there was a rainbow...the baby wasn't a big fan of getting her barefeet wet with grass so her big bubba carried her to the front field to see it better. Melt my heart!

Scott and Bear were practicing football and I just stopped and stared. What a beautiful view The Lord has given us!

Finally braving the wet grass themselves! Somethings are worth it!

More school days...starting with our core work and the baby always begs the most to get started!

Bear is always my early riser and helper in the kitchen! Lifelong skills that will serve him well!
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