We truly could not have asked for a more beautiful last day at Seabrook! To make the most of it, we loaded up and spent almost all day at North Beach...the north side of the island closest to Kiawah {although I believe the island is only 3 miles long so not terribly far away}. The waves are typically better, the beach itself it much larger and it just lends itself to a perfect day at the beach.
We went one two long walks all the way to Captain Sams Creek {which divides Seabrook from Kiawah} and back. Once we collected shells and the second time we were on the hunt for hermit crabs but ended up watching the dolphins strand feed. I even managed a short nap which is now, by far, my favorite spot to have a rest.
We decided to load up and head on back after sunset to avoid the Saturday interstate traffic and not be driving in rain as the next morning was forecasted. Bubba drove me and the girls and Scott and Bear led the way in his truck. We made it home just before midnight and had everyone tucked in bed and tuckered out until nearly midday the next. What a treasure it is to spend a week at Seabrook each year. One thing Scott and I promised each other many years ago is to give our children true beach memories- a place they look back on one day and remember with fondness and joy...a place where they grew up through the years and, hopefully, can bring their families in the future. Seabrook offers us rest in the wind and welcomes us back in the waves...forever our favorite place to be.
My {& Beth's} iPhone photos...
These two...I told Beth I just hold my breath each year when they are back together to see if they still play like they were little ones...and each year, they do. They may only see each other once a year but they have the sweetest bond. Only a few weeks apart in age, they have always made the best of friends.

The big kids {missing one this year as Colin had to work}...they fished, rode bikes, threw football, played cards, you name it. So grateful for this crew!

I took the boys for coffee & tea into Freshfields early Friday morning for just us to have a little time together. Then, we stopped by Bohicket Marina for a souvenir for them...the view was just gorgeous! Last year we kayaked in this waterway and saw it from the water. Not sure which perspective I prefer as both are just glorious!
And the fancy cam...
This bird hung out in the live oak outside our window. I had to take it's photo.
To remember our favorite unit yet! We'll be renting this one again!
Playing Mother May I. SO cute!
The big kids!
Gotta take the photo each year of Bear and Maddox. They truly are the sweetest buddies. I love that Maddox keeps him in line and although they aren't 5 years old anymore building sand castles, they still play like they are!
Until next time, Seabrook!
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