AG's sweet friend, Laura, also has quite a love for puzzles and has been sharing some with her. They enjoy texting photos back and forth on their accomplished works.

Got home from the beach and promptly got that bunting up for Memorial Day. Sure, we sit off the road and no one hardly drives down our little dirt road anyways, but we always enjoy having them hanging in the summer as we remember and honor those who have fought and given their lives for our freedom.

Lots of time in the pool and reading by the pool.

My Annabelle Hydrangea is blooming!!! Scott got these as a gift a couple years ago for Mother's Day and they only bloomed that very year. Last year, we didn't even know they were there but this year they have returned in all their white, lacy blooming glory.
Another fun zoo trip with friends! It is such a treat to have a zoo so nice so close to home. We take advantage of the spring, fall and winter months and let everyone else fight over it in the summer.

Carousel for EVERYONE!

This was AJ's first time really feeding the lorikeets. She didn't love it but wanted to try this time and did very well. And then she was done and I was happy to escort her out of that crazy cage!

Luke had his best buddy, Levi, in town for a couple days. His precious mama came to help me with the graduation party and the boys kept themselves entertained.

Senior Recognition at church! Our youth pastor had a lovely breakfast for the seniors and their families (including siblings). We had a time to laugh and hear from their small group leaders and then ended our time with family prayer. I basically just cried all morning. It was beautiful! Then, the seniors were recognized and prayed over in the 2nd service that morning.

Taking every moment I can to get photos of me and my firstborn!

Scott and Wyatt at his last varsity high school game. Not many homeschooled kids have the opportunity to try out {much less make as a 7th grader} a very competitive and accomplished 5A public school team. We've had some ups and downs through the years but it has been what Wyatt wanted to do. He has proven to us and himself time and time again that he has the endurance, perseverance and determination to play and compete at an incredible level. We are so excited to see God's plan unfold for his life in his future!

Miss Priss is always ready to swim and showing off her balance at that!

The boys burned a giant bonfire {we had trees and limbs down from the snow/freeze months ago still in it} and the only thing that came out was this little bunny. It was definitely old enough to fend for itself and we were thankful it escaped. We took a photo, loved on it for a moment and re-homed it deep into the woods.

HUGE! And this was after it had been going a bit. I was thankful Scott didn't tell me when he started it. I don't do well with those types of things.

My beautiful Mother's Day flowers... I guess I should post a photo of the first set of flowers he got me but I am pretty sure I deleted them. Mother's Day is emotionally charged for me {and has been since my own mama passed when I was 16}. Then, add to that burying my own daughter 14 years ago and having 2 precious ones that have birth mamas somewhere else possibly grieving them and the sacrifice that they made. It's a lot. Anyways, my husband brought home lovely flowers on Friday and I tried my best to smile but something about them just reminded me of funeral flowers. Honestly, I can't remember a lot from Annabelle's funeral. I couldn't tell you the first thing about any of the arrangements we were sent or what they looked like. But, something just felt familiar and in the worst way possible. I couldn't tell him that right away- I just couldn't. My emotions got harder to control and eventually I ended up in the fetal position weeping as I often do when the largest waves of grief hit. I shared my heart with him and he immediately took the flowers away, called the florist and was out the door first thing Saturday morning to bring me something else. All of this to my daughters or any other young lady, make sure to marry a man that will always put your heart first. Scott immediately went to work to right a wrong he didn't even know he made. Nothing ever stops him from protecting me or taking care of me- in every way. I know he is a treasure and I give thanks to God for him every day. I want this for my daughters and I want my sons to be the same.
Lots of mornings on the porch! Luke brought the pups out to visit too.

And yet another Zoo Day!!!

The funniest and yet most endearing thing ever...we found this "sea turtle" in the skimmer and Luke and the girls buried it. AJ was thrilled she had a "sea turtle" and named her Rosemary. She petted it until Luke got an old Altoids can and cotton pads and made it a new home. Bless!!! They fittingly gave her a little service, attached her to a fishing bob and tossed her in the pond. I truly do adore their affection for creation.

Bear is getting more fishing in with Mr. Ernie! They had fun on the river this day.

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