One thing that I desperate miss in the summer is our routine. It is my intention to at least have a few rhythms in the morning but it seems even those have been hard to come by most days thus far. This past week we seemed to be able to accomplish them a little more and are starting to get a handle on our simple summer. We even got a new read aloud novel started! It's actually one that I had purchased for the fall but the kids kept noticing it on the shelf, so I went ahead with it. Cuddling up on the couch after our morning chores and devotion/news time is over makes the top of all our lists!
Our afternoons still consist of a few regulars...gymnastics and drum lessons...speech therapy and lots of swimming. This darling girl has taught herself and mastered a cartwheel! She's taking off and getting more and more comfortable on the bars in lessons, too.
Another afternoon in the pool in this hot hot HOT weather! We saw 100 degrees most days this week.

AJ had her 6 year well visit! I let these slide during the sick seasons so we tend to get them all done in the summer. I'm pretty sure I have 1 scheduled every other week for the next month.

As expected, she received a glowing report! She is still tall and tiny...with a 2 BMI that her pediatrician said was absolutely perfect. She is so strong and she was very patient as we waited for nearly an hour. Another reason we don't schedule these during the school year. They are always done first thing in the morning and we protect our mornings fiercely during the school year.

Our weekend was BUSY! Bear had a recital at the Koger Center downtown and AJ was flipping as we waited. As always! She sees an open space and immediately starts going head first upside down.

The two babies...the "original baby" is still not so sure he's crazy about being ousted twice some days!

All Saturday morning we had an Admitted Student Day at CIU where we learned so much information that we are still processing it all. Overall, it was an excellent visit and we even took Bear so he could get familiar with where his big brother will be living, studying and playing ball. We had an opportunity to learn more about the school, residence life, academic support and so much more. Very good decision to attend! We also came home with lots more loot...they showered us with t-shirts for the entire family, beach towel, sunglasses, canvas bag and more.

The most precious gift, however, came directly as a little nod from we were leaving, a giant and glorious Southeastern Swallowtail butterfly came fluttering right in front of us and over our heads ushering us off the campus. God knows it matters to me, so it matters to Him. I will never be able to wrap my mind around the ways He takes time to show us His love...His attention to detail and how nothing is ever wasted in His economy. Just as my eyes were welling with tears, my heart was swelling with joy. This place is anointed and chosen and He is over every bit of it!

The life-long learner in me never stops and became quite distracted when we noticed this giant insect on the side of one of the dorms. Turns out, it's a Dobsonfly! Never knew they existed. This is a male and he only lives about 3 days. The kids were very fascinated to learn about him when I got home.
We celebrated another Friday night {always pizza & a movie around here} with ice cream cones. Bear went with me to grocery and spotted gluten free cones so we switched it up a bit and they loved this treat!

Dad dished it all up!
We also found ice cream for the pups! It smelled like frozen cheese whiz but they loved it. AG was very helpful in holding those little cups still as they licked away. She did mention her hands got cold and wisened up by wearing gloves the second time.

Always the BEST helper!

And these two...doesn't matter how big or old he gets...hugging and wrestling will always be his love language!

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