Bubba's Legion team in the playoffs and made it through the first round already! Once we spent a few nights at the ballpark for that, he headed off with Grandaddy for a super special trip for the two of them.
Wyatt's good friend, TJ, plays minor league baseball and had games in Knoxville, TN so Grandaddy and Wyatt loaded up for a fun filled three days. They watched three games with TJ being the Sunday starting pitcher and got a round of golf in, too. They stayed at the hotel where the team was and Wyatt had the best time meeting other ball players and learning from them. TJ even arranged it for Wyatt to get to throw a bullpen on Friday while he was there...and one of the coaches was the catcher who also gave Wyatt so much insight and development tips to improve his game. Truly a whirlwind weekend trip that they will remember forever!
While Bubba was off with Grandaddy, the younger three spent lots of time in the pool! We had a little raccoon issue that resulted in losing three of our baby chicks so Scott and Bear made a big move and some hen house renovations to accommodate the babies in there where they are safer.

Back to the ballpark...Grandaddy (my daddy) and Bubba! I'm not sure who enjoyed it most! Grandaddy took Wyatt and Scott to visit MLB stadiums for several years when he was younger so this was reminiscent of those sweet days, too.

And then there's the dogs. Always around. And making me vacuum more than I ever thought! I ordered an undercoat grooming tool today so hopefully it will help cut down on all this hair. Mama likes a neat and tidy space!

The girls dressed themselves for some outdoor work and I thought they were adorable in their hats!

Panda got to ride in the front for the very first time...Scott said she held his hand and rubbed his fingers the entire time with her little legs crossed. Sweet girl!

Headed to the pool and the pocketbook is a necessity!

The girls started a game of carrying each other on their backs. AG said that her goggles weren't keeping the sun out of her eyes enough so she added sunglasses on top of them. Too funny!

While playing golf, Bubba sent me this photo...that is a bald eagle! Apparently it had caught a fish in the river nearby and brought it to the cart path to enjoy for lunch. My daddy said it was the biggest he had ever seen even compared to those in Alaska.

We have a book a day challenge this summer...whether that's the read aloud chapter book we are working through or a picture book or whatever they choose to savor. Watching Bear slowly step into his big brother role more and more is the sweetest! Our girls are so blessed!

Getting ready for football with pass patterns in the yard with Dad!

While the girls and I take Boss for a walk.

And then poor Bear is just worn out and ready for his break! Football is going to be interesting!

He did have a couple cute cheerleaders on the porch though.

Until AJ decided to workout with him and beat him in laps around the front field. Her feet have never hit the ground since the day we got her! Busy and always on the move!

Our Wednesday at the ballpark resulted in a WIN! And on to the next round of playoffs!

Wasn't the sunset just magnificent! Literal cotton candy clouds. Just glorious!

We break all the sugar/food dye rules some times. And they loved it!

This girl. I couldn't love her more! The perfect little bookend!

Panda girl stays busy coloring most of the time. We have a bag packed with all types of busy activities that stays in the car that we refer to as our "Ball Bag". It's my saving grace. Always something to do in there that they enjoy!

So many late nights at the ballpark but well worth it! Can summer please slow down!?! I have dorm room shopping to do next week and I am just not ready!

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