Bravest kid! Panda had another loose tooth {2nd one out in a week or so} and was determined to have it gone by bed time. She asked if she should sleep in our room if it didn't come out just in case she woke up and we needed to pull it. Thankfully, she was successful before bedtime came!

We have enjoyed lots and lots of pool time!

We surprised the kids with an after dinner treat to Pelicans for snowballs!
But before we got there we saw this guy/gal on the dirt road right where the kids had been playing earlier. Yep, another copperhead. This is the 3rd that we've seen this year...and we've not seen any in 6 years other than this year. I am not okay with that! Somebody please find us a healthy king snake and bring it here to live! One quick call to Mr. Ernie, who lives right by the road, and he was out the door with his .410 in hand. Bye-bye, Mr. Copperhead! Not going to live here!

Another day of swimming...this time with sweet friends!

Two of Bear's best buddies came down from NC to visit for a fun 24 hour nonstop adventure of nerf gun wars, manhunt in the woods, cops & robbers down the dirt roads and lots of swimming...including in the dark and in the rain!
Such a full heart having a full home! That's what this 12 foot island is for! I keep imagining running a B&B one day and then realize that I get to do that now with the people that I love the most. I truly have the best job!

Before they came, I took the kids antiquing a bit! We were hoping to go bike riding at the Peak Trail but it was rainy all morning. They did really well and we all saw some pretty cool relics to appreciate. Their favorite stop was definitely Po Dunk Holler with the coffee bar {Wyatt} and shaved ice {Lu, AG & AJ}.

My darling husband came home with a bag of delicious upstate peaches! I got the hint and he got cobbler!

Waiting for speech and doing some beading. I will never get over how God gave them each other so perfectly. I pray they always stay this close!

And Bear assembled another spot to hang a sign...this one was hung last year but some limbs have grown over it so he made a spot out of old cedar fencing to put it. We haven't seen anything to be concerned about but it's always a good idea to have in the country with lots of land and sometimes dishonest folks that will find themselves wandering onto property that doesn't belong to them. Our little dirt road is the best! We have only two neighbors {one family of four and Mr. Ernie who is everyone's favorite farmhand/trash man/landscaper/fix-it}. It's funny because people would think that we didn't get along out here if they didn't know better. But, we do absolutely adore our neighbors! We just don't want anyone here that isn't supposed to be. ;) And, it's easy for folks to get to wandering in the maze of dirt roads in this land in Chapin is highly sought after and I can't even tell you how many times people have stopped to ask who owns all this land. We just smile and say "We do and it's not for sale!". Lord willing, one day we will be able to gift it to whichever child/ren wants to build their lives or family here.

Another beautiful week in the country...soaking up the sun and savoring every bit of summer!
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