I guess you could say that school is back in session! We are intentionally slowly easing into our full school rhythm by adding a subject or so a week. This week we began our new math levels and also added our enrichment lessons {which were not necessarily part of the plan but so exciting that we just couldn't wait any longer to start them}. Our mornings begin at the island where we do the majority of our "school". Bible, scripture memory, hymn study, another Bible read aloud, World Watch News and more take place while the kids enjoy breakfast. I sip my tea and read, read, read!
This came highly recommended. We all enjoy it so much! Clearly, it is the children's version of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. It is beautifully written and illustrated. AJ's favorite for sure!

New math for both girls this year! AG moved into Math U See's Beta program and AJ is moving from BJU which we were not huge fans of to Math U See like her sister. They love building and seeing their math come to life right before their eyes.

Bear is continuing with Teaching Textbooks and loves it! We made this switch last year for him and hope to do the same with the girls at some point but want a stronger foundation with MUS right now. TT has been an answer to prayer for him.

My favorite firstborn did his mama a favor and sent me his first day of school photos, too! First day of COLLEGE!!!

On Monday, we also remembered and celebrated SIX years since AG's brain surgery!
Our enrichment loop this year consists of Watercolor School, No Sweat Nature Study and Geography of the world with Holling C. Hollings' books. This is the point that I get to sit down and enjoy learning right alongside them. So much fun! The kids chose our first NSN lesson and Dolphins/Whales. It was a fun first lesson.

AG takes advantage of every spare moment to try to beat someone in checkers!

The kids surprised Dad with a water balloon fight when he got home on Wednesday night. I think he rather enjoyed getting blasted with cold little water pellets after a long hot day of work!

Just her typical chicken farming attire!!!

And after dinner sprint racing across the front field!

Finishing our week strong with math smiles.

This gal blows us away. She is so diligent in her work. It takes a lot for her to sit still more than 3 minutes but she is slowly learning more and more discipline. We take lots of breaks, too, though!

Always such a hard worker!

And the night that Bear has been waiting for! His first TACKLE football game! He played flag football a couple years ago with the rec league and loved it. This year he expressed an interest in playing tackle football. The homeschool league has a middle school team so he is playing for them. He played both offense and defense and made his first tackle. SO FUN! Go #68!

It had rained all morning and was supposed to rain during the game. We had just a little at the start and then blue skies during the game itself. As soon as it was over, rain again! God showed us his favor and Panda sure was pleased that He heard her prayers for a "no rain game".

Fridays are for extra long read aloud and lots of snuggles as we gear up for a busy weekend. The kids are enjoying Ginger Pye as our fun book. :)

We also got another request for some special snacks from our college boy so we headed to Costco to grab those before he came home for laundry. This gal is just here for the free snacks!

While his laundry was being washed at home, the two of us snuck out for a sweet little dinner date. Sitting across from him and hearing so much of how he is navigating this special season in college made my heart so full. Truly the best gift has to be being such great friends with your own children. What a treasure he is!

Baby sister got some Bubba's snuggles. Gracious, she misses him so much. These two are so close!
After a busy Saturday with absolutely no photos to share of the fun trip to Augusta to shop a consignment sale my friend Beth has to support adoption in their community...and the girls getting to play with their beach besties we headed into Sunday! Our sweet friends the Steyne's were in town for a family birthday party and joined us for worship Sunday morning. Friends who are family for sure!

And then we celebrated Jayne's 5th birthday all afternoon!!!

It was a makeover party. Bear got a little into the war paint thing himself!

Can't believe this little doll is almost five! Cousins and the best buddies!

AG wasn't interested in going outside in the hot, hot, hot to play and decided she needed more blush. Thank goodness for wet wipes!

And then Daddy decided to help. Oh my!

What a full, beautiful week! Bear wrapped it up with a homemade gluten free sub on Sunday night since it's a free for all as mama has the night off!

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