We started our week with watercolors and had the most fun laughing at our take on squirrels. AG titled hers a "rat" and was less than thrilled with her little rodent. We all agreed that squirrels were much harder to paint than we anticipated. I think our next project will not be an animal just to give ourselves a break as we seem to get a bit stressed when they don't turn out as God has made them. It's still fun to be able to take a step back though and laugh.
My sweet friend, Malynda, sent me the absolute best smelling candle from her hometown. She lives in Washington State and spoils me with their hand poured clean candles. Each time she sends one I am convinced that it is the best smelling thing I've ever burned and then another comes along. This one could be my favorite ever! Such an unexpected smile to my day.

Bear got a little creative with his outdoor time and just as I was getting the kitchen cleaned up from lunch I looked out the window and saw this! He had stapled a body target to the tree. For what it's worth, I decided to join him in a little target practice. Very therapeutic!

We had a rough Monday night that resulted in Scott taking Bear to the ER for a hard sprain and ligament damage in his ankle from a football incident.

We took it slow Tuesday and stayed off of it {including math on the porch per usual} and using crutches that he is not wild about until he could see ortho first thing Wednesday morning.

AG pulled out her wheelchair and was the best little nurse to him. She has such a tender, precious spirit and truly hurts when others do.

We spent a lot of time on the porch...schooling, eating and playing! The weather has been gorgeous! I even got a second afternoon Bible time but was interrupted by these dolls.

Wednesday morning resulted in another cast. So thankful that there were no breaks like when he was five. That was such a long and traumatic event. We are prayerful that this recovery will be much faster. He chose the Stars & Stripes for his cast design, of course!

The girls and I just hanging out in the car while Bear is in drum lessons. He still manages to play drums regardless of that left foot.

Chicken tenders...literally! These girls love their flock!

The sunsets have been so beautiful!

Scott and the kids got a mid-week hunt in...AG going with him to the deer stand and Bear taking AJ to the tree house stand. They had fun getting all dressed up!

And I should have known this would happen! Anytime someone hunts with Bear he is going to kill whatever he can...and, yes, he eats it all, too! He helped AJ get her first kill...a poor little squirrel. She enjoyed getting to see one up close after having painted it earlier in the week.

I mean...could she be more proud??? Bless.

These dogs...we have to put the giant ottoman in the way for them not to be on top of us. Bear and I snuggled lots this week.
Silly girl found her Bubba's hat and wanted me to send him a photo.

Bear played drums in the youth band so Scott took him while the girls and I stayed home and enjoyed a slow Sabbath morning...complete with chocolate doughnuts and hot cocoa.
God reminded me as I looked back at this picture of something He spoke over me this summer...
The enemy sets a trap but God sets a table...and there is always a seat for you.

May we all know the deep pursuit and love of Jesus wherever we are and whatever we are going through.
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