Our Annual Friendgiving/Christmas Party! These families have been our besties for years. We used to all be in Sunday school together over 12 years ago and still are so close. It's so fun to see the kids play as they grow. We do a white elephant exchange for them and then for the adults. It's always a highlight of the season!

Love love love these people!

AJ had her first Coke and made it last nearly 3 hours! We don't drink soft drinks at home so this was quite a treat for her.

We switched out Belle's wreath after church and got her ready for Christmas, too. Bear took it upon himself to protect us by kicking over a cup full of something like coke or tea...he said it could've been liquid dangerous something or another and he was taking care of it. Hysterical. All we could do was laugh. 13 year old mind at work!

I also discovered some fleece that I had stored away and needed to use for blankets for the Annabelle Basket delivery on the 23rd. I put out an SOS on my Instagram story and had the kindest ladies in the office at Riverland Hills text me early the next morning to help. I took them nearly all of it and they were done with them by lunch. AMAZING. I needed desperately to see The Body of Christ being fulfilled in its people and this was gold. What a treasure those ladies were to both my broken spirit and so many heart babies.

Picked them up before the office closed and ready to go!

AG loves checkers and it's so sweet to watch her play Bubba. He let her win this one!

Getting ready for our favorite Christmas tradition...

Only seemed right that Bubba would take the lead and walk off with the baskets. He's been doing it for 14 years...
We spent the rest of the day in the very Windy City of Charleston. A strange cold front was coming through and it was dropping by the minute. The winds were nearly 50mph but we found a few spots to block it in the city as we walked and looked around.

The view for lunch at The Mill Street Tavern was breathtaking! Shem Creek at low tide and breathing that saltwater air...

Back across the bridge to a gluten free/vegan bakery that I found online...a sweet surprise for dessert!

and it did NOT disappoint! WOW! So fun to get to walk into a bakery and be able to order absolutely anything they serve.

Sugar crashed and headed home! Almost time for Christmas Eve to begin...

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