Kicking off 2023 slowly...
This one is still crafting per her usual. She found some of my embroidery thread and has really enjoyed learning to sew a bit.
She still has her chickens, too. They follow her around and it's just adorable. I never imagined that we would go down the chicken farmer road again but it's been such a blessing for her. Plus, the price of eggs is crazy! So, it's nice to have laying hens in this economy.

We met some friends at a park in Irmo. We will definitely be adding it to the rotation of places to play. Such a beautiful day and AJ has no fear! She loves a good playground!

I am so grateful for my little "hot box". I get in each morning after my workout and just talk to Jesus and sweat. It's been so good for my healing journey.

The kids had their last day to hunt this past weekend. It was youth hunt day. Bear hunted that morning and AG joined them for the evening. Unfortunately, we didn't add anything to our freezer but they have the best time making memories.

After church family lunch is our favorite! We had this tradition pre-2020 and are easing back into it as we continue to let The Lord lead us to a new church home. We've been visiting the church I grew up in and where we went until 4 years ago. We deeply hoped and prayed that there would be reconciliation and conviction at our old church but that has not been so. The Holy Spirit has proved both Scott and I separately that it is time to move on and learn and grow. It's been so hard. Especially when our choices aren't the reason why we are even in this position but we know that God can use all things for good. The kids tried Sunday school for the first time this week. Afterward, we went to a Mexican restaurant. The girls got tacos. It was so funny trying to teach AJ how to eat one. She didn't want to hold it the way one should and instead said that she liked holding it like a pocketbook. She is so funny!

Easing back into our school rhythm this week as well! Banana bread treat and chocolate almond milk make it extra special. The girls were still working on their Sunday school craft while I began with our read aloud. I've missed this time with them!

When we were at the park last week we ran into a friend who shared with us about a local homeschool art class. Non-committal, just come if you can and only $5 per family! Yes, please! We decided to give it a try and the girls got to hold some sweet baby bunnies, too.

Bear was in the high school course {which was quite advanced but the elementary would definitely have been too simple}. He said he'd like to go back so he enjoyed it, too!

The girls made their own teslations! Very neat! And the best part was being surrounded with like-minded families. It is becoming more and more clear to us how important it is to intentionally vet the friends and families of our children. Some people aren't who they appear to be so you can be assured that we are being more cautious. Taking our time getting to really know who they are around and what values their parents really hold is crucial. We have learned the hard way that there are far too many wolves in sheep's clothing and it has devastated our family. We are in a season of completely church, new community. It's so interesting because there were two other moms at this art class that have also left our old church...they assumed we were still there and were shocked when I told them we were not. They all said that they lacked discipleship and deep connection. They weren't being fed and didn't realize until going elsewhere just how far they had drifted. We all agreed how gently the fall is and how diligent we need to be as Believers to make sure that it doesn't happen again...for ourselves or our children.
One moment I want to remember but didn't have a photo of was from the night prior...Riverland Hills had a Ladies Night of Worship. The girls and I went together along with several friends I invited and about 300 other women. Singing hymns, reading scripture and hearing testimonies of God's faithfulness were so encouraging and moving. As the benediction was read, the lady began by saying "Surely..." and then began to cry...we finished it for her as she regained her composure..."the presence of the Lord is in this place." Nothing flashy, no smoke machines or light display, the room stayed bright the entire time and the conversation continued well after the event ended. Getting back to our roots...weeding out what doesn't matter and what's truly taken preference over Truth...reconciling myself to God and to others...finding community by looking into other's eyes and not a profile online...may this be the focus of this new year.

And since I realized that I didn't have one of our college student still home for a few more days...he got a new travel monitor to use as baseball season ramps up next week. I know I'm surely going to miss not having him here in a few days.

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