Our week was off to a tough start...Monday brought us news of a prolapsed chicken {Mrs. Potts} and we knew that the best thing is often the hardest. Thankfully, Bear helped us take care of her and send her over the rainbow bridge so she wouldn't be in pain any longer. Our Panda girl took it really hard as they are truly her little babies {she's named them all and I have no idea how to keep track of them but she surely does}. She gave her some treats and good loving before saying goodbye.
Talk about breaking my heart, this face...she was just devastated.

Then, Tuesday brought more hard news and resulted in our sweet old Bo spending the day at the vet for lots of testing on his kidneys, liver, spleen, getting x-rays and iv fluids. Boss didn't know what to do without Bo home and either pouted and followed me around or just hung out in his crate all day. He was pretty adorable laying in his crate midday so I tried to take a photo and immediately he came walking up to me so this is the best I got.

We had a couple really great long family dinners even with baseball practice a few nights a week. The kids love to hear Scott read about them. He is so diligent in journaling and has books full of memories for the kids. Some pretty funny moments and some more serious. But, along with reading the blog books that we print, they really adore hearing what their Daddy has written to remember about our family. It is such a treasure.

Wednesday had the prettiest fog in the front field. New mercies each morning!

Bo was back home and has some wonderful walkers making sure that he gets everything out that he needs to. The testing revealed some stomach upset so he was put on a sensitive diet and given some nausea medicine. He is still having some moments but seems to be doing better. We also mix pure pumpkin in his food and that helps, too. The reality is that he is just getting old {he is 12 1/2} and is experiencing some aging issues.

He still knows how to beg me for loving while I'm teaching school though! He loves to put his chin right on my lap for a good head scratch.

Morning time is our favorite. Along with a sourdough dutch baby! We keep a gluten free sourdough starter going and make this with it more than anything. So easy and so yummy! The kids like to sprinkle some chocolate chips on it for an added treat.

Finally, the end of the week brought some much needed Mommy/Daddy time away! We headed to Beaufort for our every other month getaway. We stayed at The Rhett House Inn which was a greek revival style antebellum home built in the 1800s. The cottage house is where our room was located which was the first Freedmen Slave store. It was lovely!

Spanish moss and live oak trees forever! I know this will surely be the scene in Glory!

Beaufort is like a small Charleston and truly our favorite. We've been a few times now and love the fresh seafood, uncrowded waterfront and history.

We ate at Saltus again. Our favorite! I had mahi-mahi and Scott had the yellowfin tuna. Then we walked on the waterfront with literally no one around. Just perfect!

Since it was still fairly early, we sat outside in the garden and spent the sweetest time talking and dreaming together. Scott had printed some questions for us to discuss and that was my favorite. He is so intentional with our time.

We enjoyed breakfast on the porch, too!

And then headed to the next block over where we were pretty sure we saw a Civil War soldier ghost the night before in the cemetery. We actually are still pretty sure that's what it was. But, I didn't want to find out in the dark so we waited to go check it out the next morning. I would've thought I was seeing things but Scott saw it too. So....
Sure enough. Lots of old graves. This one from 1724. Incredible. He was the son of a Jacobite that immigrated here from Ireland and fought several battles against the Native Americans in the area.
There was a docent on duty in the Angelican church so we stopped in for a brief lesson in the history before heading to the Oyster Festival.
I always love seeing how others worship and learning about different faiths. It always solidifies why I believe what I do. Understanding more about the Church of England and its origin was fascinating. I also found a 100 year old copy of the Book of Common Prayer. It was nearly falling apart and incredible to hold. I wondered how many others have read and held it throughout the years.

After Scott and I both tickling our fancy for all things history {thankfully we both love it}, we headed to the waterfront for the festival that brought us there. Oysters! Never say never...I hadn't even had the slightest desire to try one of them until two years ago when I was in Tacoma, Washington visiting my best friend and the gentleman was digging them up 10 feet from us. Now, I love them! These were roasted and divine! My precious husband shucked them all and didn't make me do a bit of the work. Gracious, am I spoiled by him!

We got back home just in time to feed our crew and head to the Koger Center downtown where Bear had his drum recital. It was running ridiculously late but the kids did excellent!

The girls danced and twirled to a young lady rehearsing her violin solo for nearly an hour.

This photo is GOD.
I was told several years ago that my Panda girl would likely never read. Well, here she is doing just that to her baby sister.
Miracles never cease.

Bear did incredible! He played "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. I have no clue how he does five things at once on those drums but he clearly has a gift...and practices a lot! His drum instructor, Mr. Jason, is fantastic, too.

Finally wrapping up our week at after 10pm on Saturday night! Whew! What a week!

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