A week of easing back in and letting go...ever so slowly for both.
Bear finished the third of the rocking Adirondack's and we've spent some time enjoying them. Watching the moon rise over the front field is just beautiful and these chairs are the perfect spot to do just that.
We began our school rhythm back bit by bit. The goal was just to accomplish Morning Time and see what else the day held. Some days we got more done than others but every day we were able to complete Morning Time. Such a wonderful start!

AG finally finished her lego castle she received for Christmas from Grandaddy & Mimi. She has worked hard on this one.

We had a little impromptu visit to the pediatrician. AG's ear piercing had been bothering her and I noticed a bump on the back of one of her ears. Turns out she is sensitive to anything other than gold in her ears. She got an antibiotic cream to help with the irritation and to keep it from becoming infected...along with orders to make sure this girl only gets the super fancy earrings from here on out.

While we waited, the girls took turns being the teacher and quizzing each other on sounds that the letters make on the eye chart.

Boss baby is still loving sticks. You can throw a ball or a toy and he likes it...but throw that dog a stick and he is in Heaven. He loves to shred them up!

While we were working on our read aloud, Bear soldered Bubba's cross charm back onto his chain necklace to have ready to take back to college. It had come off when Bubba was working moving furniture the day before. Bear can literally do anything! Jack of all trades!

I thought it was funny that as he was doing the soldering, I was reading this...which focuses on letting kids be unique and have the freedom to learn in different ways than just a traditional school setting. We are loving this series! We read one book a week of The Tuttle Twins on one of our history days.

We said "see ya later" to Bubba who headed back to college for his spring semester. It was so nice having him home but we know this is where he is supposed to be and we are excited for him to have this opportunity. Things are about to get really busy for him and we look forward to cheering him on in his games.

He couldn't forget telling his Bo-Bo goodbye. Sweet old man pouted the rest of the day, too. He loved having everyone home also.

After he said his goodbyes at home, he went to meet his friend/pitching/throwing buddy. TJ plays minor league ball and is home for the break until spring training. Scott called me while he was there and said that it was so neat to watch Wyatt throw on the same field that he used to meet his pitching coach at to throw 33 years ago. I know Scott enjoyed watching them.

AG and her birds! She is the best chicken mama!

And Bear got to go to a Carolina Ladies basketball game right after church with Pappy {of which I do not have a photo} so Scott and I had just the girls for a lunch. date to Miyo's. Such a sweet treat!

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