Please tell me where my baby went?!?!

Had to reschedule a senior session due to a wind storm (and we were photographing on the lake) so I played a little with these two models for a minute.

We love when their co-op sends us photos each week! They have been having the best time!

Getting the garden ready for some planting!

More chicken was incredible to see her take in the other babies right away. The best mama!

Another Sunday after church tradition!

And schooling on the porch forever, please!
Bear is such a good helper. Both of the boys know just how to jump in and help.

It's Gotcha Day for AJ! Six whole years together!

I cannot even believe this is the same child.

Still picking me flowers on the daily! The best gifts!

Had a few minutes to sit and relax once the kids went to co-op and before I served. This was such a lovely start.

Sweet smiles and someone has an interest in culinary design!

The chicken whisperer she is!

Getting a jump ahead on Bubba's birthday card...I love that he is playing golf and she is the cheerleader.

The most played with toy of all time...train tracks! Even the 14 and a half year old cannot resist.

Thankful for an outfield this time! We threw down the blanket and played in the sunshine.

Dad and Bear's team won both games!

Bak home to swim a little...

and play with more legos. Except these were knockoffs that took weeks to get here from you know where and then came all jumbled up in a gallon ziplock bag with no instructions. But nothing stops this girl from figuring it out!

Dummy is still living and is now the subject of school drawings! ha!

Bear and his least he warned us!

The best mornings start here...

We wrapped up WAMM with family night!

Working myself out of a job! She has gotten the sourdough down now.

Whew...busy busy days call for lots of naps for Panda girl.

And more Facebook marketplace projects! Bear packed this one up for me and did well!

I may just stop here forever. Sweet Panda longer the tiny 12 pound baby but turning more and more into a lovely young lady!

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