Sunday, June 16, 2024

{June 2024: Part Three}

Our chicken whisperer is working her magic once again. 

The garden is starting to take off and our harvest is picking up. 

Walks with Boss are still very much in wears us both out! 

Evenings on the porch are always the best way to wind down...watching the sunset and catching up on the day. 

We celebrated Father's Day by hosting dinner for Scott and my Daddy, also known as Grandaddy, on Sunday evening. 

We are truly blessed to have such Godly men leading our flock. 

The girls took off with me to visit Darla Moore's Botanical Garden.  It was so beautiful! (Except for the snake that we had to walk by but at least we identified it quickly and knew it wouldn't hurt us.)

Back home...I'll never get over that this is home...

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