We had Panda's 12 year well visit. I don't really understand the whole purpose behind them {probably just an insurance thing} but we checked the box and waited 1 hour and 47 minutes to see our most favorite pediatrician. Again, why do we have to do this well visit thing??? Bless!
AG is always crafting somewhere so I was super glad she had something to do. I managed to get an entire week of my Bible study lessons done as well.

Bear is always up to something! I think this was for another tree stand.

These two would sit out here all night if we let them and just chat away!

Selfies with Dub.

And it's officially cold weather wear season. I'll be in warm leggings, a trench coat and either slip on sneakers or Uggs until March.

Love our school mornings at the coffee shop! They have the best gluten free muffins, too.

Dub is the best block castle builder. She made a temple this time!

I just adore sweet little snapshots of her "school" day.

And these lamps...a thrifting steal at $7 total! They have hobnail milk glass and wooden accents. I thought I would resell them but they are just perfect here!

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