But first...aren't the baskets just coming along so lovely!??! These are truly incredible. We added a few things this year...heart fabric crib sheets and baby leg warmers and they are just the cutest!
Bo loves when we get morning time together before the kids are up!

So, I realized about halfway through getting this thing that I tend to do all the projects this time of the year to somehow bring order to the hardest months of the year and keep myself busy {busier???} so that I don't sit in my sadness too long. I've long wanted a bigger storage/book/school/office space for our school room although we school mostly in the kitchen. I found this giant thing on Facebook marketplace for a steal. But we didn't realize that when they said solid wood they meant it weighs at least 400 pounds. Scott and Luke got it this far so we bribed Wyatt and a couple of his best college boys to come do the rest. But it did stay like this for a couple of days...kind of fitting for things right now anyways.

They did it! This thing is massive and dark. I have a plan though...

Getting there!

That's better. I still have some final things to do but this will work for now!

Meanwhile, the girls are itching to learn how to wrap gifts and I'm itching to not have to wrap them. Sounds like the perfect time to teach them how to wrap and work myself out of a job! Hooray!

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